Krystal Lopez, PsyD
Dr. Krystal Lopez is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist at the DBT Center of Orange County. She has been practicing in the field of Clinical Psychology for the past seven years in various settings including an Intensive Outpatient Program, school settings, and Community Mental Health where she has assisted various multi-culturally diverse clients overcome challenges in the face of adversity. Krystal has extensive training in Functional Family Therapy, DBT-PE, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, conducting comprehensive psychological assessments, and working with high risk clients. Her primary interests include working with transitional age youth, young adults, adolescents, diverse youth from a multitude of different client populations, and families. Krystal graduated from The School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University where she obtained her Psy.D in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis on working with family, children and couples. She has completed the coursework and is Foundationally Trained in DBT. Krystal currently co-facilitates DBT skills groups, provides individual therapy and skills coaching, conducts psychological testing and phone coaching in order to assist clients in overcoming challenges and reaching their Life Worth Living Goals.
Krystal has a passion in advocating for, and working with diverse client populations. She also has a specialized interest in assisting clients from all walks of life navigate traumatic life experiences by applying evidenced based practices that promote growth and healing. She prides herself on being a multiculturally sensitive clinician who remains cognizant of the impact of intersecting identities and minority stress.
Krystal enjoys integrating mindfulness practices into everyday life in order to maintain psychological and spiritual balance while also fostering self-awareness. She enjoys mindfully immersing herself in nature, dancing, creating art, and spending time with family and friends and her kitty Nugget.