“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.” – Albert Einstein
Regardless of what your reasons may be to dance, what better day to celebrate dance than on International Dance Day. Fun Fact: The Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute chose April 29th as the date to celebrate dance because it marks the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet.
One of our team members, Dr. Kylie Han Le, uses dance as a way to honor and stay connected with her bicultural identity as an Asian American. She expresses her appreciation for and celebrates her Asian heritage by following in her mother’s footsteps to learn Vietnamese cultural dances, such as the fan dance (vũ phiến) and hat dance (múa nón).
So, how are you planning to celebrate International Dance Day? If you are looking for new ways to celebrate, here are some dance-filled options to consider: teach your family your all-time or current favorite dance, take a dance class, reach out to your dance idols on social media, go watch a dance performance, improv somewhere totally new (maybe even in a public place), or spread the joy by spreading the word. If you’re feeling adventurous and up for the challenge, join one of our team members by learning the following dance and posting a short clip of it on your social media and/or sharing it with a loved one.
[Choreography] BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Permission to Dance’ Dance PracticeWritten by, Dr. Kylie Han Le
#InternationalDanceDay #Dance #AlbertEinstein #Culture #Heritage #fandance #vũphiến #hatdance #múanón #BTS
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